hub::callback::EnergyErrWriter class

Default error writer for RunArgs. This class serves as a callable callback object to output data to a file stream.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

EnergyErrWriter(std::string const& file_name) explicit

Public functions

template<typename ParticleSys>
void operator()(ParticleSys& ptc, typename ParticleSys::Scalar step_size)

Function documentation

hub::callback::EnergyErrWriter::EnergyErrWriter(std::string const& file_name) explicit

file_name The file name of the output file stream.

Constructor of the error writer.

template<typename ParticleSys>
void hub::callback::EnergyErrWriter::operator()(ParticleSys& ptc, typename ParticleSys::Scalar step_size)

Template parameters
ParticleSys Any type provides method time()
ptc in/out Input parameter.
step_size in The step size of the integration.

Callable interface.