template<typename TypeSystem>
hub::integrator::Symplectic6th class

Sixth order symplectic method.

Public static variables

static size_t order constexpr

Public functions

template<typename ParticleSys>
void integrate(ParticleSys& system, typename ParticleSys::Scalar step_size)
Integrate the particle system with given step_size.

Function documentation

template<typename TypeSystem> template<typename ParticleSys>
void hub::integrator::Symplectic6th<TypeSystem>::integrate(ParticleSys& system, typename ParticleSys::Scalar step_size)

Integrate the particle system with given step_size.

Template parameters
ParticleSys Any types satisfy the particle system concept.
system in/out Particle system needs to be integrated.
step_size in Single step step size.

Variable documentation

template<typename TypeSystem>
static size_t hub::integrator::Symplectic6th<TypeSystem>::order constexpr

Order of the integrator.