tf::cudaBLAF class

basic linear algebra flow on top of cudaFlow

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

cudaBLAF(cudaFlow& cudaflow)
constructs a blas builder object

Public functions

template<typename T>
auto transpose(const T* d_in, T* d_out, size_t rows, size_t cols) -> cudaTask
transposes a two-dimenstional matrix

Function documentation

tf::cudaBLAF::cudaBLAF(cudaFlow& cudaflow)

constructs a blas builder object

cudaflow a cudaflow object

template<typename T>
cudaTask tf::cudaBLAF::transpose(const T* d_in, T* d_out, size_t rows, size_t cols)

transposes a two-dimenstional matrix

Template parameters
T data type
d_in pointer to the source matrix
d_out pointer to the target matrix
rows number of rows in the source matrix
cols number of columns in the source matrix
Returns cudaTask handle