hub::random namespace


Documentation for hub


static auto Uniform(double low, double high) -> double
Uniform distributed random number generator.
static auto Logarithm(double low, double high) -> double
Logarithmic distributed random number generator.
static auto PowerLaw(double power, double low, double high) -> double
Power law distributed random number generator.
static auto Normal(double mean = 0, double sigma = 1) -> double
Normal distributed random number generator.
static auto TruncatedNormal(double low, double high, double mean = 0, double sigma = 1) -> double
Truncated normal distribution random number generator.
static auto Maxwellian(double sigma_1d) -> double
Maxwellian distributed random number generator.
static auto TruncatedMaxwellian(double low, double high, double sigma_1d) -> double
Truncated Maxwellian distributed random number generator.

Function documentation

static double hub::random::Uniform(double low, double high)

Uniform distributed random number generator.

low in The lower limit of the distribution.
high in The higher limit of the distribution.
Returns double The generated number.

static double hub::random::Logarithm(double low, double high)

Logarithmic distributed random number generator.

low in The lower limit of the distribution.
high in The higher limit of the distribution.
Returns double The generated number.

static double hub::random::PowerLaw(double power, double low, double high)

Power law distributed random number generator.

power in The power of the power law
low in The lower limit of the distribution.
high in The higher limit of the distribution.
Returns double The generated number.

static double hub::random::Normal(double mean = 0, double sigma = 1)

Normal distributed random number generator.

mean in The mean value of the normal distribution.
sigma in The standard deviation of the normal distribution.
Returns double The generated number.

static double hub::random::TruncatedNormal(double low, double high, double mean = 0, double sigma = 1)

Truncated normal distribution random number generator.

low in The lower limit of the distribution.
high in The higher limit of the distribution.
mean in The mean value of the untruncated normal distribution.
sigma in The standard deviation of the untruncated normal distribution.
Returns double The generated number.

static double hub::random::Maxwellian(double sigma_1d)

Maxwellian distributed random number generator.

sigma_1d in The 1D dispersion of the Maxwellian distribution.
Returns double The generated number.

static double hub::random::TruncatedMaxwellian(double low, double high, double sigma_1d)

Truncated Maxwellian distributed random number generator.

low in The lower limit of the distribution.
high in The higher limit of the distribution.
sigma_1d in The 1D dispersion of the Maxwellian distribution.
Returns double The generated number.