template<typename Operation>
hub::callback::StepSlice class

Template parameters
Operation Callable object.

Create a wrapper on callable object(function pointer, functor, lambda) of which accepts one parameter. The wrapped callable object will be invoked for equal spacing steps. This class is basically used to implement equal step operation in simulations. For example, one can provide a printer [](auto&p){std::cout << p << std::endl;} as the pre_step_operation in RunArgs to output the state of the integrated system. This printer then will be invoked before every step integration. The output might be very dense sometimes, thus outputting the result of every step is somewhat heavy. If one wraps the printer with StepSlice, ‘StepSlice([](auto&p){std::cout << p << ’
'}, 10)`, then the output will be performed every 10 steps.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

StepSlice() defaulted
StepSlice(StepSlice const&) defaulted
StepSlice(StepSlice&&) defaulted
StepSlice(Operation const& opt, size_t step_interval = 1) explicit

Public functions

auto operator=(StepSlice const&) -> StepSlice& defaulted
auto operator=(StepSlice&&) -> StepSlice& defaulted
template<typename ParticleSys>
auto operator()(ParticleSys& ptc, typename ParticleSys::Scalar step_size) >>, void > -> auto
template<typename ParticleSys>
auto operator()(ParticleSys& ptc, typename ParticleSys::Scalar step_size) >>, bool > -> auto
void reset_slice_params(size_t step_interval)

Function documentation

template<typename Operation>
hub::callback::StepSlice<Operation>::StepSlice() defaulted

Default constructor.

template<typename Operation>
hub::callback::StepSlice<Operation>::StepSlice(StepSlice const&) defaulted

Default copy constructor.

template<typename Operation>
hub::callback::StepSlice<Operation>::StepSlice(StepSlice&&) defaulted

Default move constructor

template<typename Operation>
hub::callback::StepSlice<Operation>::StepSlice(Operation const& opt, size_t step_interval = 1) explicit

opt in Callable object.
step_interval in Step interval.

Constructor of step slice.

template<typename Operation>
StepSlice& hub::callback::StepSlice<Operation>::operator=(StepSlice const&) defaulted

Default copy assignment operator

template<typename Operation>
StepSlice& hub::callback::StepSlice<Operation>::operator=(StepSlice&&) defaulted

Default move assignment operator

template<typename Operation> template<typename ParticleSys>
auto hub::callback::StepSlice<Operation>::operator()(ParticleSys& ptc, typename ParticleSys::Scalar step_size) >>, void >

Template parameters
ParticleSys Any type used as call back parameter.
ptc in/out Input parameter.
step_size in The step size of the integration.

Callable interface.

template<typename Operation> template<typename ParticleSys>
auto hub::callback::StepSlice<Operation>::operator()(ParticleSys& ptc, typename ParticleSys::Scalar step_size) >>, bool >

Template parameters
ParticleSys Any type used as call back parameter.
ptc in/out Input parameter.
step_size in The step size of the integration.
Returns auto bool.

Callable interface.

template<typename Operation>
void hub::callback::StepSlice<Operation>::reset_slice_params(size_t step_interval)

step_interval in Step interval.

Reset the slice parameters.