template<typename TypeSystem>
hub::integrator::GaussRadau class

Template parameters


Gauss Radau stepping method. See details in https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/international-astronomical-union-colloquium/article/an-efficient-integrator-that-uses-gauss-radau-spacings/F942BC9121C74CC2FA296050FC18D824

Public functions

auto b() const -> IterTable const & noexcept
auto dy_0() const -> ScalarArray const & noexcept
auto dy_h() const -> ScalarArray const & noexcept
auto y_h() const -> StateScalarArray const & noexcept
auto diff_b6() const -> ScalarArray const & noexcept

Function documentation

template<typename TypeSystem>
IterTable const & hub::integrator::GaussRadau<TypeSystem>::b() const noexcept

The getter interface of member b_ in name of b.

template<typename TypeSystem>
ScalarArray const & hub::integrator::GaussRadau<TypeSystem>::dy_0() const noexcept

The getter interface of member dydh0_ in name of dy_0.

template<typename TypeSystem>
ScalarArray const & hub::integrator::GaussRadau<TypeSystem>::dy_h() const noexcept

The getter interface of member dydh_ in name of dy_h.

template<typename TypeSystem>
StateScalarArray const & hub::integrator::GaussRadau<TypeSystem>::y_h() const noexcept

The getter interface of member input_ in name of y_h.

template<typename TypeSystem>
ScalarArray const & hub::integrator::GaussRadau<TypeSystem>::diff_b6() const noexcept

The getter interface of member dg_array_ in name of diff_b6.