tf::Executor class

execution interface for running a taskflow graph

An executor object manages a set of worker threads to run taskflow(s) using an efficient work-stealing scheduling algorithm.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

Executor(size_t N = std::thread::hardware_concurrency()) explicit
constructs the executor with N worker threads
destructs the executor

Public functions

auto run(Taskflow& taskflow) -> tf::Future<void>
runs the taskflow once
template<typename C>
auto run(Taskflow& taskflow, C&& callable) -> tf::Future<void>
runs the taskflow once and invoke a callback upon completion
auto run_n(Taskflow& taskflow, size_t N) -> tf::Future<void>
runs the taskflow for N times
template<typename C>
auto run_n(Taskflow& taskflow, size_t N, C&& callable) -> tf::Future<void>
runs the taskflow for N times and then invokes a callback
template<typename P>
auto run_until(Taskflow& taskflow, P&& pred) -> tf::Future<void>
runs the taskflow multiple times until the predicate becomes true and then invokes a callback
template<typename P, typename C>
auto run_until(Taskflow& taskflow, P&& pred, C&& callable) -> tf::Future<void>
runs the taskflow multiple times until the predicate becomes true and then invokes the callback
void wait_for_all()
wait for all pending graphs to complete
auto num_workers() const -> size_t
queries the number of worker threads (can be zero)
auto num_topologies() const -> size_t
queries the number of running topologies at the time of this call
auto this_worker_id() const -> int
queries the id of the caller thread in this executor
template<typename F, typename... ArgsT>
auto async(F&& f, ArgsT && ... args) -> auto
runs a given function asynchronously
template<typename F, typename... ArgsT>
void silent_async(F&& f, ArgsT && ... args)
similar to tf::Executor::async but does not return a future object
template<typename Observer, typename... ArgsT>
auto make_observer(ArgsT && ... args) -> std::shared_ptr<Observer>
constructs an observer to inspect the activities of worker threads
template<typename Observer>
void remove_observer(std::shared_ptr<Observer> observer)
removes the associated observer
auto num_observers() const -> size_t
queries the number of observers

Function documentation

tf::Future<void> tf::Executor::run(Taskflow& taskflow)

runs the taskflow once

taskflow a tf::Taskflow object
Returns a tf::Future that will holds the result of the execution

template<typename C>
tf::Future<void> tf::Executor::run(Taskflow& taskflow, C&& callable)

runs the taskflow once and invoke a callback upon completion

taskflow a tf::Taskflow object
callable a callable object to be invoked after this run
Returns a tf::Future that will holds the result of the execution

tf::Future<void> tf::Executor::run_n(Taskflow& taskflow, size_t N)

runs the taskflow for N times

taskflow a tf::Taskflow object
N number of runs
Returns a tf::Future that will holds the result of the execution

template<typename C>
tf::Future<void> tf::Executor::run_n(Taskflow& taskflow, size_t N, C&& callable)

runs the taskflow for N times and then invokes a callback

taskflow a tf::Taskflow
N number of runs
callable a callable object to be invoked after this run
Returns a tf::Future that will holds the result of the execution

template<typename P>
tf::Future<void> tf::Executor::run_until(Taskflow& taskflow, P&& pred)

runs the taskflow multiple times until the predicate becomes true and then invokes a callback

taskflow a tf::Taskflow
pred a boolean predicate to return true for stop
Returns a tf::Future that will holds the result of the execution

template<typename P, typename C>
tf::Future<void> tf::Executor::run_until(Taskflow& taskflow, P&& pred, C&& callable)

runs the taskflow multiple times until the predicate becomes true and then invokes the callback

taskflow a tf::Taskflow
pred a boolean predicate to return true for stop
callable a callable object to be invoked after this run
Returns a tf::Future that will holds the result of the execution

size_t tf::Executor::num_topologies() const

queries the number of running topologies at the time of this call

When a taskflow is submitted to an executor, a topology is created to store runtime metadata of the running taskflow.

int tf::Executor::this_worker_id() const

queries the id of the caller thread in this executor

Each worker has an unique id from 0 to N-1 exclusive to the associated executor. If the caller thread does not belong to the executor, -1 is returned.

template<typename F, typename... ArgsT>
auto tf::Executor::async(F&& f, ArgsT && ... args)

runs a given function asynchronously

Template parameters
F callable type
ArgsT parameter types
f callable object to call
args parameters to pass to the callable
Returns a tf::Future that will holds the result of the execution

This method is thread-safe. Multiple threads can launch asynchronous tasks at the same time.

template<typename Observer, typename... ArgsT>
std::shared_ptr<Observer> tf::Executor::make_observer(ArgsT && ... args)

constructs an observer to inspect the activities of worker threads

Template parameters
Observer observer type derived from tf::ObserverInterface
ArgsT argument parameter pack
args arguments to forward to the constructor of the observer
Returns a shared pointer to the created observer

Each executor manage a list of observers in shared ownership with callers.