tf::TFProfObserver class

observer interface based on the built-in taskflow profiler format

A tf::TFProfObserver inherits tf::ObserverInterface and defines methods to dump the observed thread activities into a format that can be visualized through .

tf::Taskflow taskflow;
tf::Executor executor;

// insert tasks into taskflow
// ...
// create a custom observer
std::shared_ptr<tf::TFProfObserver> observer = executor.make_observer<tf::TFProfObserver>();

// run the taskflow;

// dump the thread activities to Taskflow Profiler format.

We recommend using our python script to observe thread activities instead of the raw function call. The script will turn on environment variables needed for observing all executors in a taskflow program and dump the result to a valid, clean JSON file compatible with the format of .

Base classes

class ObserverInterface
The interface class for creating an executor observer.

Public functions

void dump(std::ostream& ostream) const
dumps the timelines into a format through an output stream
auto dump() const -> std::string
dumps the timelines into a JSON string
void clear()
clears the timeline data
auto num_tasks() const -> size_t
queries the number of tasks observed

Private functions

void set_up(size_t num_workers) final
constructor-like method to call when the executor observer is fully created
void on_entry(WorkerView w, TaskView task_view) final
method to call before a worker thread executes a closure
void on_exit(WorkerView w, TaskView task_view) final
method to call after a worker thread executed a closure

Function documentation

void tf::TFProfObserver::set_up(size_t num_workers) final private

constructor-like method to call when the executor observer is fully created

num_workers the number of the worker threads in the executor

void tf::TFProfObserver::on_entry(WorkerView w, TaskView task_view) final private

method to call before a worker thread executes a closure

w an immutable view of this worker thread
task_view a constant wrapper object to the task

void tf::TFProfObserver::on_exit(WorkerView w, TaskView task_view) final private

method to call after a worker thread executed a closure

w an immutable view of this worker thread
task_view a constant wrapper object to the task