template<typename T>
tf::TensorExpr class

handle to a tensor expression created by a tensorframe

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

TensorExpr() defaulted
constructs an empty tensor expression
TensorExpr(const TensorExpr& rhs)
copy constructor of the tensor expression
TensorExpr(TensorExpr&& rhs)
move constructor of the tensor expression

Public functions

auto operator=(const TensorExpr& rhs) -> TensorExpr&
copy assignment of the tensor expression
auto operator=(TensorExpr&& rhs) -> TensorExpr&
move assignment of the tensor expression
auto name(const std::string& name) -> TensorExpr&
assigns a name to the tensor expression
auto name() const -> const std::string&
queries the name of the tensor expression
template<typename... Es>
auto precede(Es && ... exprs) -> TensorExpr&
adds precedence links from this to other tensor expressions
template<typename... Es>
auto succeed(Es && ... exprs) -> TensorExpr&
adds succeeding links from other tensor expressions to this

Function documentation

template<typename T>
tf::TensorExpr<T>::TensorExpr(TensorExpr&& rhs)

move constructor of the tensor expression

After the move, rhs becomes an empty tensor expression that is not associated with any tensor node.

template<typename T>
TensorExpr& tf::TensorExpr<T>::operator=(TensorExpr&& rhs)

move assignment of the tensor expression

After the move, rhs becomes an empty tensor expression that is not associated with any tensor node.

template<typename T> template<typename... Es>
TensorExpr& tf::TensorExpr<T>::precede(Es && ... exprs)

adds precedence links from this to other tensor expressions

exprs one or multiple expressions to precede
Returns *this

template<typename T> template<typename... Es>
TensorExpr& tf::TensorExpr<T>::succeed(Es && ... exprs)

adds succeeding links from other tensor expressions to this

exprs one or multiple expressions to succeed
Returns *this